Three Rivers Ringers is pleased to announce the 2017 Western Pennsylvania Handbell Festival will be on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at Robert Morris University. We are excited to welcome back Debbie Rice as our festival clinician for a enjoyable and educational day of ringing.

2017 Western PA Handbell Festival
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Yorktown Hall
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA

WPA 2012The WPA Festival is a beginning-level event for handbell choirs (Level 1-2 music), co-sponsored by Three Rivers Ringers—Pittsburgh’s premier handbell ensemble—and the Robert Morris University Band Program. Members of Three Rivers Ringers will be teaching and performing at the festival as well as planning the event. We will once again be working with and assisted by the Robert Morris Band Program, under the direction of Elisabeth H. Charles. For the second year, due to positive feedback, the festival will return to Yorktown Hall at RMU. The ringing floor and classrooms are very close to each other in the same building, along with a lunch area and cafeteria.

Click here to see the 2017 WPA Festival Music List. Buy your copies now, and you can program these pieces for your handbell choirs throughout the year!

Registration forms will be posted and emailed to past attendees by September 5. In the meantime, contact Cynthia Donahoe (412.571.0273 or with any questions or to request a mailed Registration Packet.


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