Photo by David BachmanIn just a few short days, Noël begins! We’re extremely excited to present this concert series with some new treats from Tchaikovsky’s The Nutracker, handbell hits like We Three Kings, Sleigh Ride, and Silent Night, plus carols from around the world. We are also pleased to debut our brand-new percussion equipment made possible by grants from the John R. and Margaret S. McCartan Charitable Fund and the Charlton Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation.

We kick off the season this Saturday (12/6/14) at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh with two short performances that preview Noël and display the myriad sounds we can produce with handbells. We even have some audience participation planned with all of our young friends!

The first performances of Noël begin Saturday evening (12/6/14) at First Presbyterian Church, 1793 in Washington, PA and Sunday afternoon (12/7/14) at Sampson’s Mills Presbyterian Church in White Oak, PA. Purchase tickets for these performances now at a discount through ShowClix. Children under 12 get in free with paid adult ticket.

New Behind-the-Scenes Video

Ever wonder what it’s like to ring with Three Rivers Ringers? Check out this view from the bass section from a rehearsal last month on Marche from the Nutcracker. We’re playing this and a bunch of other great tunes at Noël beginning this weekend.


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