It’s not too late to register for the 2014 Western PA Handbell Festival! We’ve just extended the registration deadline to next Friday, March 14th.  Space is still available; come join us for this exciting event!

Presented by Three Rivers Ringers, the Robert Morris University Band program, and Musik Innovations, this year’s WPA Festival will be held on Saturday, April 5th. The event returns to Robert Morris University, our home for the past 2 years, under the direction of Ron Bellamy.

Ron-belltree-LongwoodMany of us have worked with Ron at festivals and other events, and his enthusiasm for ringing is absolutely contagious! Ron has an impressive resume as a clinician and performer, including events such as Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar, Handbell Exploration, and the 2011 Area 2 Young Ringers Handbell Festival in Kutztown, PA. A former member of the Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble, Ron is also an incredibly talented solo handbell artist.

If you are looking for new music for your handbell choir, you’ll find we have programmed some fantastic music for this year’s festival that is also perfect for use in your choir’s repertoire throughout the year, utilizing a variety of techniques to show off our beautiful instrument. With 8 different classes covering various handbell skills and techniques, as well as our seminars for handbell directors, there are great opportunities for everyone to learn.

To register, click here to download the full registration packet, or click the links below to download the individual parts of the packet. The registration deadline is now Friday, March 14, 2014. Questions? Please call or email Cynthia Donahoe, WPA Registrar (412.571.0273 or

We look forward to seeing you at the WPA Festival next month!

2014 WPA Festival Introduction
2014 WPA Festival Frequently Asked Questions
2014 WPA Festival Schedule
2014 WPA Festival Director’s Seminars
2014 WPA Festival Music List
2014 WPA Festival Registration Form


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