Please join us for a special evening of handbell music on Thursday, July 19th, 8:00pm featuring the Arsis Handbell Ensemble! Arsis is a professional handbell ensemble from Estonia. This concert at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church is part of their summer tour of the United States and Canada. They are also headed to Cincinnati, OH, where they have been chosen to be the closing concert at the Handbell Musicians of America’s National Seminar.

Arsis plays seven octaves of handbells with only eight people (TRR uses thirteen people for five octaves!) and will be joined by Remi Boucher, a Canadian classical guitarist, for a wonderful evening of music. The concert is sponsored by MLUMC and Three Rivers Ringers, Pittsburgh’s premier handbell ensemble. Admission is free; a free will offering will be collected to support Arsis’ tour. Questions? Please call Andy Seay (412.508.8405) or email

For more information about Arsis, please visit their website here. You can also find clips of Arsis in performance on YouTube, including the samples below.


Arsis Handbell Ensemble in Concert
Thursday, July 19
th, 8:00 PM
Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church
Asbury Center
3319 W. Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15216


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